Vision, Aims and Values

Our Vision

Everyone loves learning and succeeds without limits.


Our aims

Help all children achieve their full potential

Teach a curriculum that is challenging and fun

Provide a safe and nurturing environment

Encourage children to understand themselves and others

Inspire children to be the best they can…



Each half term we have a whole school focus on a different value. Children are presented with Golden Tickets for showing one or more of our school values. The Golden Tickets are entered into a draw which takes place each week during our celebration assembly.


Our Values

We show respect (Autumn 1)

We are kind (Autumn 2)

We are resilient (Spring 1)

We are responsible learners (Spring 2)

We work as a team (Summer 1)

We are aspirational (Summer 2)


Talking about our ‘Values’ at home with your child will help develop and extend their understanding of our shared vocabulary.





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